Pamela Berkeley
Available. Prices are negotiable, discounted for collectors and dealers at the discretion of the Artist

Oil on canvas, 54" x36", 1989 Portrait of Mark Metcalf & Lisa Rutledge

Oil on canvas, 36" x 30", 19889 Portrait of Willem Dafoe

Oil on canvas, 36" x 30", 1990 Portrait of Isabella Rossellini

Oil on Canvas, 36”x30”, 1990 Portrait of Richard Edson

Oil on Canvas, 48”x72”, 1989 Portrait of John Malkovich

Oil on canvas, 36" x 30", 1989 Portrait of John Malkovich

Oil on canvas, 36" x 30", 1991 Portrait of Cary Rothman and Sophie

Oil on canvas, 54" x 36", 1988 Portrait of a heavy metal drummer

Oil on Canvas, 36”x30”, 1990

Oil on Canvas, 48”x72”, 1988 In the collection of Victoria Mercer

Oil on Canvas, 48”x72”, 1990 Thanks for the Trouble You Took from Her Eyes

Oil on Canvas, 30”x40”, 1991